Transformation of the Marketplace
Transformation of the Marketplace
Edward, TrustPlus client
Edward, TrustPlus client
Edward, TrustPlus client
The nature of work and the financial services industry are ripe for a worker-centered transformation
We engage workers as collaborators in our effort to drive product innovation and policy change, harnessing their stories, opinions, goals and worries to bring to the marketplace a nuanced understanding of their financial lives, and to, ultimately, create a system of quality jobs and benefits that makes financial security possible for all workers.
We share data and insights that fuel innovation with market leaders, economic justice and job quality organizations, and peer social enterprises–including Aspen Institute’s Consumer Insights Collaborative, Commonwealth, National Domestic Workers Alliance, and One Fair Wage, among other mission-aligned partners–who share our vision.
The nature of work and the financial services industry are ripe for a worker-centered transformation
We engage workers as collaborators in our effort to drive product innovation and policy change, harnessing their stories, opinions, goals and worries to bring to the marketplace a nuanced understanding of their financial lives, and to, ultimately, create a system of quality jobs and benefits that makes financial security possible for all workers.
We share data and insights that fuel innovation with market leaders, economic justice and job quality organizations, and peer social enterprises–including Aspen Institute’s Consumer Insights Collaborative, Commonwealth, National Domestic Workers Alliance, and One Fair Wage, among other mission-aligned partners–who share our vision.
Recent Insights
Aspen Institute’s Consumer Insights Collaborative
Work arrangements, benefits, and employer practices are not meeting the needs of workers, a majority of whom are financially insecure. As part of our effort to harness worker financial data for structural change, we are thrilled to contribute data and insights to Aspen Institute’s Financial Security Program’s new report, The Complete Financial Lives of Workers: A Holistic Exploration of Work and Public and Workplace Benefit Arrangements.
The Impact of the Enhanced Child Tax Credit on Lower-Income Households
In this report, Neighborhood Trust, in partnership with Commonwealth and SaverLife, take a closer look at the impact the enhanced Child Tax Credit, a component of the American Rescue Plan, had on families’ financial health via interviews, surveys, and our data and insights.
We found that recipients generally received larger tax refunds than expected and that these contributed to financial stability— especially for households with incomes under $20,000—by helping parents stay current with housing payments and pay for essential items for their children.
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