Freedom from Student Debt

Freedom from Student Debt

Freedom from Student Debt

Released from the burdens of overwhelming debt, Neighborhood Trust clients are experiencing life-changing possibilities.

U.S. households currently carry a cumulative $14.64 trillion in debt—of this $1.5 trillion is student loans.

The promise of higher earnings and upward mobility convinces many borrowers that student debt is “good debt.” Yet tuition is outpacing wages and the job market no longer guarantees high paying jobs for graduates. Plus, loan products lack safeguards to prevent students from owing significantly more than they borrowed, at higher monthly payments than they can afford. Student loan debt disproportionately impacts borrowers of color—a population already more vulnerable to other types of debt, discrimination, and predatory products.

In early July, the Supreme Court dealt a devastating blow to the hopes of millions of Americans seeking relief from the burden of student loan debt. Neighborhood Trust clients alone would have had $36.3 million in student loan debt eliminated had the ruling been in favor of debt relief.

Now, as the repayment start date looms, borrowers must navigate a new financial reality amidst a system that seems to be working against them.

At Neighborhood Trust, our Financial Coaches partner with workers to navigate difficult systems, reduce debt, and restore feelings of hope, and agency to plan for a financially secure future.

Neighborhood Trust has helped our clients reduce $8 million in student loan debt since 2021.

Meet Renee
From $0 to $500 in monthly savings

Renee, the first in her family to graduate college and earn a Master’s degree, had to put her ambitions and plans on pause due to her student debt obligations. She stopped her PhD midway through and shifted her focus to earning enough to cover her fast-accumulating student loan payments. Like so many borrowers, Renee found herself part of a predatory system that makes going into six-figure debt easy, but climbing out an endless maze filled with stress, confusion, and disappointment.

Renee began applying to the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program (PSLF) to lower her monthly repayment obligations, which were taking up most of her salary and leading to other debt. She was rejected at every attempt, given unclear reasoning and no path forward. Renee ultimately filed for bankruptcy and her financial anxiety continued to build.

Renee had lost hope of ever paying off her student loan debt. Her focus had shifted from future ambition to just getting by. With her Neighborhood Trust Financial Coach Adrianna as a guide, Renee rebuilt her confidence and increased her understanding of the PSLF process.

“There are a lot of tools on the market—but having a physical person to talk to and talk out the options…it makes a difference.” —Renee

“There are a lot of tools on the market—but having a physical person to talk to and talk out the options…it makes a difference.” —Renee

The result was well beyond the payment reductions she was hoping for. Her entire loan balance of nearly $275,000 was forgiven.

With freedom from student debt, Renee’s credit score immediately increased. Her savings jumped from $0 to $500 per month. Renee and Adrianna made a plan to build assets in the form of long-term savings. Adrianna introduced Renee to trusted products to help with bankruptcy payments and avoid future debt.

“I can now make other plans, like possibly owning a home. Things that I never dreamed of because I always had this student debt hanging over my head.” —Renee

“I can now make other plans, like possibly owning a home. Things that I never dreamed of because I always had this student debt hanging over my head.” —Renee

“Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) is a notoriously difficult process to navigate. It has been difficult for many people to get straightforward information about whether their employer, loan type, and repayment terms qualify. We partner with them to clarify what is possible, find opportunities to make the most of the student loan forgiveness programs available, and act as accountability partners along the way.”

—Adrianna Gregory,
Financial Coach at Neighborhood Trust

—Adrianna Gregory, Financial Coach at Neighborhood Trust

Meet Shanell
Better credit, child college savings, and a new emergency fund

Neighborhood Trust client Shanell, a lawyer working in the education system, was able to defer her student loan debt during school, but when payment resumed, her loan balance had ballooned significantly due to high interest rates and products designed to maximize profit. Additionally, her monthly payments fluctuated, increasing without notice and making saving and long-term planning incredibly difficult.

Shanell came to Neighborhood Trust for help making an overall financial plan, and found a true partner in her Financial Coach Ashley, who helped Shanell understand the value pursuing debt forgiveness through PSLF would have on her long-term financial health.

“Being an African American woman, a lot of us don’t have generational wealth. But we go to great schools and are doing great things. But we have student loans. And debt really impacts what we are capable of.” —Shanell

“Being an African American woman, a lot of us don’t have generational wealth. But we go to great schools and are doing great things. But we have student loans. And debt really impacts what we are capable of.” —Shanell

In exploring debt forgiveness, Shanell saw first-hand that the system doesn’t often work well on its own—borrowers have to push, advocate, write letters, file formal complaints, and be persistent. Fortunately, her law training was a huge asset, and with Ashley’s guidance, Shanell succeeded in getting over $120,000 in loans forgiven.

“Before my loans were forgiven, I kept worrying, what if a new administration takes this policy away? What if my payments go up again? They were such a burden. When I found out my loans had been forgiven, I felt pure excitement. Now I have so many possibilities for my long-term goals.” —Shanell

“Before my loans were forgiven, I kept worrying, what if a new administration takes this policy away? What if my payments go up again? They were such a burden. When I found out my loans had been forgiven, I felt pure excitement. Now I have so many possibilities for my long-term goals.” —Shanell

Shanell’s student loan debt was 35% of her total debt, including her mortgage. Her credit score jumped 66 points to above 720—a key marker for access to credit and reduced discrimination that often accompanies lower scores. Shanell still uses the budgeting tools Ashley shared. She was able to take her daughter to Hawaii without using a credit card and is also saving for her daughter’s college while building an emergency fund.

“Getting out of debt can feel like a very long journey for our clients, but we show them that it is possible. We help them understand that they can make significant, positive, and lasting change in their lives with persistence and patience.”

—Ashley Denae Hannah, AFC,
Financial Coach at Neighborhood Trust

—Ashley Denae Hannah, AFC, Financial Coach at Neighborhood Trust

North Star: Worker freedom from debt

Our North Star is worker financial security as measured by freedom from a reliance on exploitative debt. We believe that a virtuous cycle of worker agency and good financial products in action together are what drive real, bottom-line impact for workers. And we are holding ourselves accountable to freedom from debt as impact at both the individual and systems level.

Cash Flow

Balance Sheets

Predatory Debt


Trusted Guidance + Good Products =
Financial Empowerment.


Client Trust
and Agency

Access to
Financial Solutions


Cash Flow

Balance Sheets

Predatory Debt


Trusted Guidance + Good Products =
Financial Empowerment.


Client Trust
and Agency

Access to
Financial Solutions


Cash Flow

Balance Sheets

Predatory Debt


Trusted Guidance + Good Products =
Financial Empowerment.


Client Trust
and Agency

Access to
Financial Solutions


Relentless in our pursuit of a more equitable financial system

Neighborhood Trust financial coaching helped over 8,000 workers in 2022, 37% of whom were grappling with student debt.

The burden of student debt is a persistent challenge for many workers, especially for Black women. The statistics are alarming: 90% of Black students take out loans to pay for college, compared to 66% of white students, and the average Black borrower owes 95% of their student debt 20 years after enrollment.

Addressing Racial Disparities in Student Debt

Our data reveals a striking disparity, as Black or African American clients carry a median student loan balance that is 34% higher than their white counterparts.

Just as workers are not responsible for creating the debt crisis, the burden should not fall on them to solve for it.

Neighborhood Trust is pushing the marketplace and employers to give workers access to innovative tools, like employer-sponsored student debt repayment plans, 401ks with emergency sidecar savings accounts, and employer-sponsored payday alternative loans. We are shifting the focus to developing worker-focused financial solutions so that wages lead to financial security, measured by freedom from reliance on expensive debt to get by.


Neighborhood Trust is a financial services innovator that creates financial security for low-wage workers through workplace and marketplace solutions.

We are trusted human guides connecting workers to financial benefits, and co-designing products and services that meet their complex and immediate needs. But we don’t stop there. We use the insights from our work to help credit unions, employers, nonprofits, and FinTechs better understand the unique financial challenges facing the workers they serve, and to push the marketplace to be more accountable to their needs.

Neighborhood Trust’s social enterprise influences the market through the workplace with our worker benefit TrustPlus, and with Pathways, through which we embed our financial coaching and impact tracking platform in credit unions across the country with our partner Inclusiv.